Rae’s Book of Anniversaries
A timeline to actual and fictional events in Altar to an Erupting Sun. Events in bold are actual historical events.
1848 / First Women’s Suffrage Convention, Seneca Falls, NY
1859 / Drake’s Well; first oil gusher in Pennsylvania
1870 / Spiritualist camp formed at Lake Pleasant
August 17, 1923 / Juanita Morrow Nelson born in Cleveland, Ohio
April 9, 1945 / Dietrich Bonhoeffer executed at Fossenberg, Germany
July 4, 1941 / Brian Willson born in Chatauqua, NY
November 1952 / Rae’s older brother Toby born, two years older
May 5, 1954 / Ruth Ann Kelliher (aka R.A. Rae) born, Portsmouth, OH
September 30, 1955 / Reggie born, Dorchester, MA
November 2, 1965 / Norman Morrison, age 31, self-immolates himself at Pentagon
October 1966 / Enrico Fermi nuclear powerplant outside Detroit almost melts down.
1966 / Rae wears POW bracelets. Brian Willson ships out to Vietnam (age 11 when Willson shipped to Vietnam).
September, 1972 / Rae begins Amherst College
December 31, 1972 / Roberto Clemente’s plane goes down in San Juan, Puerto Rico, carrying earthquake supplies to Nicaragua
September 11, 1973 / U.S.-backed Coup in Chile overthrows democratically-elected government of Salvador Allende leading to 17-year dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet
September, 1973 / Rae drops out of Amherst College at the beginning of her sophomore year
Fall 1973 / Rae working at Pickle Factory, South Deerfield, MA.
President’s Day, February 1974 / Sam Lovejoy topples the tower
Sept 25, 1974 / Sam Lovejoy acquitted
May 1, 1977 / Clamshell direct action at Seabrook NH power station, 1414 arrested
July 1977 / Toby visits Montague
June 24, 1978 / Clamshell Alliance legal occupation, 20,000 Gather at Seabrook
March 16, 1979 / Release of The China Syndrome
March 28, 1979 / Accident at Three Mile Island
March 24, 1980 / Archbishop Oscar Romero assassinated
October 26, 1983 / US invades Grenada with 7,000 troops
August 9, 1983 / Father Roy Bourgeois enters Fort Benning, arrested
February/March, 1984 / CIA and Navy Seals mine the Port of Corinto in Nicaragua
(Two years before Rae in Nicaragua Jan 1986), Reported in Washington Post April 7, 1984
1982-1984 / Boland Amendment is a term describing three U.S. legislative amendments between 1982 and 1984, all aimed at limiting U.S. government assistance to the Contras in Nicaragua.
1984 / Founding of Pledge of Resistance
Sept 19, 1985 / Mexico City Earthquake
January 1986 / Rae goes to Nica and meets Reggie
February-March 1986 / Rae in El Salvador, working in refugee camp, meets Jesuits
May 24, 1986 / First kiss, Reggie and Rae, Montague, MA
Sept 1, 1986 / Rae moves to Boston and lives with Reggie
Sept 1, 1987 / Brian Willson run over by train in Concord Navel Station, Concord, CA
Reggie rides bike home from work and meets Rae
November 16, 1989 / Six Jesuits assassinated in El Salvador
June 1990 / Marie-angelique “Alix” Leblanc born in Concord, NH
April 1, 1997 / April Fool’s Day blizzard in Boston
August 15, 1998 / Car bombing at Omagh Ireland
November 1998 / 7,000 protesters at School of the Americas
November 1999 / 10,000 protesters at School of America’s Protest at Fort Benning
December 15, 2000 / School of Americas closed
May 17, 2004 / Gay marriage legalized in Massachusetts
July 2004 / Rae and Reggie get married at Boston City Hall
Summer 2008 / Reggie and Rae buy land in VT
September 15, 2008 / Collapse of Lehman Brothers, beginning of economic meltdown
November 2008 / Barack Obama elected president
November 2009 / Founding of transition book club
September 2, 2014 / Spectra announces pipeline West Roxbury, MA
April 2015 / Rae attends FERC meeting
May 2015 / Teach-in West Roxbury, line painting action
April 20, 2016 / Kinder-Morgan pipeline cancelled
Summer 2016 Group Buy Hidden Springs Farm
January 9, 2017 / Gas flows through West Roxbury Lateral Pipeline
September 2017 / Hurricanes Irma and Maria batter Caribbean
Feb 2018 / Reggie and Rae on St. Johns
September 13, 2018 / Gas explosion in Lawrence MA
March 2020 / beginning of Covid-19 Pandemic
July 2022 / Rae diagnosed with cancer (Rae is 68 years old, Reggie is 67 years old)
Aug 2022 / Clearness on Putney Mountain
January-Feb 2023 / Reggie and Rae travel to southwest
April 9, 2023 / Easter
Summer 2023 of blowback
Fall 2023 / Alix turns herself in
Summer 2024
Fall 2024 / Alix in prison for a year
May 5, 2030 / Rae's 76th birthday, born 1954